How to Overcome the Fear of Failure Online in Your Business.
There are so many people who want to start working for themselves at home. However many need to know how to overcome the fear of failure in respect to starting their online business. In this post I am going to explain some of the common and misaligned fears that people have.
Your own Website is Key Critical for Success.
Just like it is impossible to build a house or a skyscraper without first laying a foundation to build upon, the same is true for building an online business. Your personal website will act as that foundation to your future online success.
Having your own WordPress
website is key to succeed.
However when many people think of having their own personal website, they fear that it takes hard work to not just build it but to maintain it. This is one of those misaligned fears that many times prevent people from trying.
People need to stop living in the stone ages of thought and realize that you do not need to be a technically oriented person to build your own website. For the past several years you could build a WordPress website WITHOUT programming it yourself by using a website builder.
How long do you think it took me to program this website? Take a guess because I will tell you right now you will be wrong. Ten minutes? Fifteen minutes? One minute? Try ZERO! I didn’t have to program any of it. I just click a button on my computer screen and the website builder programs it in under 30 seconds.
Common Mistakes
For so long we have been told that you need to be a programmer to be able to build yourself a website, but as I explained above and show in the video on my Site Rubix blog post, that is no longer the case.
This is just another one of many common mistakes in starting an online business that many people have. Another mistake people make is they fear that all of this “technical” information will be too hard to understand. If you were doing it by yourself perhaps, but you have help.
Then another mistake is the fear that building a website and starting an online business will take too long to get established. You will hear people say things like, that sounds like a lot of work. This is actually more of a laziness on their part than it is a fear.
There is absolutely NO profitable online entrepreneur that did not have to work really hard and long hours to become successful. If you want to someday have your own business, whether it be a brick and mortar or online, you will have to really work at growing it like all successful business owners have.
Be Your Own Boss
If you are tired of working for someone else who is making way more than you, then you need to know how to grow an online business, so that someday in the future you can fire your boss. But if you continue to hide behind false fears and don’t take action, you will never be a success.
Stop procrastinating with fear and start a work from home online business
Those really successful online entrepreneurs, who start with nothing and now many years later have more money than they had ever dreamed of, have one thing in common. They all took action and didn’t fear what would happen once they took that action.
So if you want to know how to start an online business, you first need to get some training in internet marketing. Unless you know what to do and more importantly what not to do, you will struggle and could very well fail before you even get started.
The best place to learn everything you need to know, and that has all the resources you will need, is Wealthy Affiliate University. I have one of their ads above and to the right. The cost is only $49 per month and that includes everything you need to succeed. However you can start for free to test drive the training if you like.
How to Overcome the Fear of Failure
It is very important to realize that the fear of failure will ultimately lead you to failure. Like U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt said in his inauguration speech “…the only thing we have to fear is…fear itself…” and that is so true with anything unknown we face in life.
But if you don’t attempt to try and learn how to overcome that fear and the procrastination that comes with it, one thing is definite, you will always be a failure. The only person you will be able to blame for your failure is yourself.
I have provided a way for you to overcome those fears, by inviting you to join the #1 ranked online training community that will take you by the hand and help you step-by-step to build a successful online business if you are willing to work for it.
And if you join from anywhere on this website, I will be your coach to help you as well at no extra cost. If you want to know more about what $0 and $49 per month will give you at Wealthy Affiliate University, read the Wealthy Affiliate Review.
If you have any questions or comments you can leave them below. Remember! Do not let fear stop you from starting your journey to financial freedom. Only you can make yourself succeed and I will help you.